We provide executive function coaching, speech and language treatment and evaluations at a distance. We use interactive audio and video connections in real time to create an in-person experience similar to that achieved in a traditional in office visit.

How does telepractice work?
We connect you with our highly qualified clinicians and executive function coaches who interact with the student via interactive video conferencing tools. Clinicians and coaches will provide your student with the same program and services as those of our in-office visits. We ensure the student's progress towards their goals through the use of interactive and engaging materials, digital workbooks, software programs, and online activities.
The demand for executive function coaching and specialists using our 360 Thinking program is high. This coupled with your location can make it challenging to find a clinician or coach who knows and uses the program with fidelity. With telepractice, your students have access to experts, and you're no longer limited to your physical location. Many students, families and schools prefer telepractice as it is highly interactive personalized learning environment, can address challenges directly in the home or school setting and eliminates commute time​. Sessions held on Zoom are accessible via smartphone, tablet, or computer, and accessing them doesn't involve exchanging identifying information; all a client needs to do to join the session is click the unique URL shortly before their session, and they'll be connected directly to their clinician!
Who is a good candidate for telepractice?
Telepractice is not appropriate for all students. Clinicians and executive function coaches carefully consider a student's physical and sensory characteristics, cognitive functioning, attention, behavior, communication skills, and level of support prior to initiation of teleservices.